Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wii Fit May have saved my Life

My blood pressure has always been on the high side. Usually around 145/92. Even when I was skinny back in high school, it was a bit high. Of course I was skinny back then because I was too busy to eat much, but I was not physically active. I was one of those kids that signed up for the Marching band so I would not have to take Physical Fitness.

Although I always hated to run, it wasnt because I was afraid of the exercise. It was simply because I did not want to have to take showers with other girls. Our gym showers consisted of a couple poles with shower heads hung around the top of them. (The thought of a bunch of naked girls around poles just kind of freaked me out). I tried to find a picture online of these types of showers but failed. So this is the closest I could find. lol.

Anyway, back on topic: I just got back from the doc and my blood pressure was 112/72. It is the first time I can ever remember my BP being that good. And as a note, it has been about a year since I started my exercise and eating healthy. Total weight loss = 84 lbs.  I feel great and probably added years on my life.

It is also almost time to go on my trip that inspired it all: Cedar Point. I knew I would have to loose some major pounds if I wanted to fit my fat @ss on all the rides. Now I get my reward! Why didnt I do this a long time ago?

Monday, April 25, 2011

More Excuses

Alas, I had that time of the month where I do not exercise for a week, followed by sickness, followed by a trip out of town. I brought the Wii Fit on my trip, but did not get it out of the trunk. Then of course, I pigged out during an Easter feast. I have only Wii Fit twice since my previous post. I am going to make this short so I can go exercise. However, it is thundering outside and the tornado siren is going. I would not be surprized if we loose power. Wouldnt that be another great excuse not to Wii Fit?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Wii Fit Experience

This blog will be tracking my future weight loss using Wii Fit.

I know I probably should have started this blog sooner and tracked my progress from the very beginning. But I already had Wii Fit Tracking it for me on the little graph so I did not bother.

Wii Fit Graph of Weight Loss in lbs
But alas, I find myself not exercising as often as I used to... and it shows in my rate of weight loss...

Wii Fit Graph of Weight Loss in BMI

Do I have an excuse? Of course. I have many. It was the holidays... It was my birthday... My back went out... I was on the road for work... but really, I have just been getting lazy. I am starting this blog in order to try to motivate myself to get back to wii fitting more than once or twice a week. I need to remind myself that am still not in the yellow (normal BMI).

I know that I should be happy with the progress I have made. In the last 10 months, I have lost 80 lbs (83 lbs according to the doctor).

Wii Fit Before and After
I could never find a physical activity I could get myself to do before the Wii Fit. I have been watching what I eat, keeping it to around 1400 calories a day. Only pigging out at all you can eat buffets once a month. It is true that would have made me lose weight as well, but not even close to the rate at which I have been losing by exercising with the Wii Fit.

I started off the chart with the Wii Fit BMI, and have worked myself all the way down to "overweight" catagory. I hope to be in the "normal" BMI by the end of the year.

If this blog gets any interest from others and they ask what my routine was or what motivated me to lose weight in the first place, I can explain that in a future post. However, I assume I will be the only one reading this and therefore will just be posting my progress or lack there of.